Our Therapy Services
Individual Therapy
$160 per hour
Meet with your therapist one on one to develop goals, process emotions, and work towards the life you want.
Couples Therapy
$180 per hour
A safe, nonjudgemental space to explore your relationship concerns, improve communication, and become a united team.
Social work therapeutic services are GST/HST exempt. Prices listed are the final price clients will be charged.
Most insurance companies through employer provided benefits cover or partially cover Social Work services, clients are responsible for filing claims for reimbursement, as direct billing is not a part of NLT services.
We can support you if…
You struggle with anxiety or stress
You are having issues with low mood or depression
You want to feel more confident or build self-esteem
You are a couple who needs help with your relationship
You are an expecting or new mother
You are going through a major life transition
You have trouble communicating, developing or maintaining relationships
You are grieving
You experience chronic pain or chronic illness
You feel stuck
You feel unhappy or unsettled, even if you aren’t sure why
You just need to feel heard and supported
Ethical Disclaimer:
We act with the utmost ethical responsibility in our practice. The unique needs and acute risks experienced by clients seeking crisis services, support for eating disorders, active suicidal ideation, or substance abuse fall outside the scope of services provided by New Lens Therapy.